28 October 2022 – New arrivals down on the farm

Greetings to you all from the Farm,

We have some bad news and some good news!
Our chiller is full of beef and we will be processing it over the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately we have just heard that our helpful abattoir is unable to make any more private kills this year. It is looking like we may be short of meat in our busiest time of the year….I encourage you to order what you need for the summer sometime in the next couple of weeks.
There is no Takaka village market tomorrow for pick ups but we will have the mobile chiller set up at the farm and meat eggs and avocados available to buy from there between 10 and 1 on Saturday.
Or head over to the website now to make your order.

own on the Farm

Two flocks of chooks have just had a major shift up the farm in their mobile homes.They are next to patches of native bush beside Ellis Creek and also have access to paddocks. They have been nearer to the centre of the farm through the winter so this will be a big test of the roosters ability to protect them from hawks and falcons.

Farm Stay

We have opened up our first marked walking track for guests at our farm stay. It follows the path of the historic coal mine track behind the limestone bluffs and is mostly inside beautiful virgin native bush. Lovely to actually spot the morepork at dusk. We hear them at night but do not often see them.

New Arrivals

Meet Poppy and Marigold. They have arrived to join Bluebell and Jonquil our generous Jersey milkers who willingly lavish their milk and attention on us and any calf within their sphere. We hope to be able raise a couple of calves on each of them next year.

Meanwhile they are hanging out with the bull…

All the best from us at Ellis Creek Farm!

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